Nefash's Pilot Training School
  1. Fondor Escort
  2. Javaal Fleet Action
  3. Balosar Outpost
  4. Archenar Interception
  5. Makem Te Assault
  6. Syvris Evacuation
  7. Llanic Station Strike
  8. Pakuuni Defense
  9. Kovor Ice Field
  10. Hydian Way Blockade
  11. Drexel Sweep
  12. Kalee Fortification
  13. Zosha Advance
  14. Impossible Sector
    Heroic Missions


NefashRepublic Mission Guides

Republic Heroic Mission - Regnant Station Assault

Difficulty Level

Minimum level - 50
Minimum recommended ship upgrade level - 7

Similar To:

Far Cradle Strike (Imperial)

Primary Objective

Bonus Objectives

Additional notes

Firstly, this mission is very difficult with anything less than level 7 ship upgrades. What's good enough to breeze through Impossible Sector likely won't be enough for this one. Time for those upgrades. It's worth it though as completing this mission with the daily quest that follows gives you a nice combination of fleet, daily and black hole commendations.

2 of the primary targets in this mission require torpedos. Unlike objectives in previous missions one torpedo is not enough. They both require 2 hits.

Video Demonstration (By Nefash)

Watch on Youtube
